Monday, November 1, 2010

About My_Life....

I am the one....
I am the only one...
I am that I am and no other....
Life is like a River.......It's always flow and never ending...
I never expect that now, I am in Mangalore to learn English... 
I want to Say “Thanks GOD for everything that you gave to me".....
But sometimes I hate it 'coz it's make me SAD......I don't know why????
And Now I want to say That I Miss my Pai, Mae and all my brothers and sisters,,,

Love all of you... <(*_*)>


  1. Miss u all.......
    आप सभी को याद

  2. awwwww.. and how do u guys type in hindi??

  3. heheh...MA'am roberTo has Teached me.
    'coz he's know eveRythIng abOut D India... :)
